Sunday, September 18, 2011

Roasted Garlic Edamame

One of our favorite sushi restaurants in Round Rock serves something very similar to this. We order it every time we go and pretty much lick the plate clean! Tonight we had an Asian-inspired meal so we had this for an appetizer. It was our first time to try to simulate what we order at the sushi restaurant and it turned out SO good! If you like regular edamame, you will LOVE this!! No need to dip each pod in soy sauce- the combination of the roasted garlic, teriyaki, and soy sauce is more than enough!

- 1 bag of frozen edamame
- 4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 2 teaspoons of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon of teriyaki sauce
- a sprinkle of garlic powder and sea salt

1) Heat the olive oil on high in a skillet.
2) Steam the edamame in the microwave (follow directions on bag) for 3/4 of the time listed. Set aside.
3) Add the garlic to the pan and roast for a minute or two.
4) Add the soy sauce and teriyaki sauce- heat to high.
5) Add the edamame along with the garlic powder. Continue stirring until edamame is well coated and becomes a little bit crispy.
6) Remove from skillet and top with sea salt.
7) Voila!

  Get Cookin'!

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