Thursday, July 14, 2011

Smashed Hot Potatoes

I saw a version of this online and wanted to try it. At first I thought the potatoes would taste similar to my recipe for oven roasted potatoes, but really these were very different. What I liked most about them was their texture- the potatoes turn out to be a little crispy. The recipe calls for fresh herbs (either basil, thyme,  or rosemary), but I didn't have any of those. So I used the dried spices. I bet these would be way more flavorful with the fresh herbs. Still, I really liked these and the variation from my regular oven roasted potatoes. Delish and definitely worth trying!

- whole baby red potatoes
- olive oil
- salt, pepper, garlic powder
- herbs of choice- I used thyme, basil, and parsley

1) Boil the potatoes until they are soft (about 15-20 minutes).
2) Tear off a piece of foil and spray it with cooking spray.
3) Place the potatoes on the foil. Use a potato masher to gently press down on each potato until it slightly mashes. Rotate the potato masher 90 degrees and mash again.
4) Brush the tops of each smashed potato generously with olive oil.
5) Sprinkle potatoes with salt, pepper, garlic, and herbs.
6) Bake at 450 degrees until golden brown (about 20-25 minutes).
7) Voila!

Here is a closer picture of the potatoes- yummy!

    Get Cookin'! 

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