Friday, July 22, 2011

Twice Baked Potatoes-ish

I added the "ish" to the end of the title of this post because that's my way of saying "close to" or "sort of." I like to use "ish" because I feel like it gives me the freedom and flexibility to do whatever I want! (Kind of like when I tell someone I'll be somewhere at 10:00ish, it means I will probably be there about 10:30. I am never, ever, ever on time for anything! But I'll save those stories for another time.) 

This is sort-of, a recipe for twice baked potatoes. This really turned out to be delish, but completely different than how I wanted it to turn out. 

***Important Note: If you want to make twice baked potatoes the right way-- you must, must, MUST bake the potatoes in the oven first.  It's the middle of summer and no one wants to have their oven blazing for hours in 105 degree heat! So I thought I would be smooth and cheat a little by "baking" the potatoes in the microwave for the first round. Well, as it turns out you must bake the potatoes in the oven because that's the only way the skin will get hard and crispy (enough to re-stuff). If you just microwave the potatoes, the skin is too flimsy and just falls apart. That is why my twice baked potatoes are not served in the original skin, but in a small ramekin. 

Darn it! I was so mad when I realized this! Not only do I want my food to taste delish- but I want it to LOOK delish, too! But...I decided to go with the flow on this one and the individual portions turned out to be ascetically pleasing. Thank goodness!

1) Bake potatoes in the OVEN until fully cooked.
2) Cut potatoes in half and use a spoon to scoop out the potato-part, leaving the skin in one piece.
3) Put the meat (or whatever you call it?) of the potatoes in a bowl with lots of butter, bacon bits, green onions, pepper, Tony's, and a few squirts of ranch dressing.
4) Mash it altogether and stir in some cheese.
5) Stuff the potato skins with mixture and add cheese on top.
6) Bake for a few more minutes until the cheese is melted.
7) Top with extra bacon bits, green onions, etc.  
8) Voila!

"Never say 'Oops.' Always say 'Ahh, interesting!' " ---Author Unknown

     Get Cookin'!

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