Sunday, July 31, 2011

Graham Cracker Cookie Bars


I know I have said before that I am not a baker. I will choose salty food over sweets any day of the week! When I am really hungry Jason and I always joke and say, "Just hand over some chips and salsa and no one will get hurt." Haha! But I have been finding the best dessert recipes lately. When I decided to try this...It was mainly because the recipe said that this makes a great, small gift around Christmas time (instead of almonds and heath bits, crush up peppermint pieces for the topping). I am always looking for inexpensive things to give to friends and family. Well sorry to spoil the surprise but everyone will be getting this as a gift this year! Once you taste it, you won't mind at all! It is delish and so simple to make! I think it took all of about 10 minutes to prepare, 7 minutes to bake, and then cool for about 20 minutes. The cookie bars didn't make it through the weekend at my house!

- 10-12 whole graham crackers
- 2 sticks of butter
- 1 cup of brown sugar
- 1 cup of chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup each of sliced almonds and toffee bits (or whatever kind of topping)

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2) Line a 11x15 pan with whole graham crackers.
3) Mix butter and brown sugar together in a pan to boil. Stir for 5 minutes while boiling on low to combine butter and sugar.
4) Pour the butter/sugar mixture over the crackers and bake for 7 minutes.  At this point the crackers will look really soggy, and it will seem like you did something wrong. But keep going!
5) Sprinkle with chocolate chips and return to oven for a few minutes to melt. Use a flat knife or spatula to spread the melted chips like icing.
6) Sprinkle on nuts and heath bits and cool in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes. This will help everything come together and make the crackers not soggy.
7) Remove from fridge and use a pizza cutter to cut into squares.
8) Voila! Hide these from your family or they won't survive very long.

     Get Cookin'!

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